Are you looking to improve your research findings? One easy win: ask influencers to provide a quote about your findings.
You can use these quotes within your report, blog posts, newsletters, social media, and more.
Here are 5 things to consider when asking for quotes about your findings:
- Remember: you aren’t asking someone to provide a testimonial for your research, but you are asking them to comment on your findings. Your goal is to highlight the influencer as an expert in the space while helping your readers “do more” with the findings. For instance, you could ask what finding(s) surprises them and why. Or, you can share a data point that reveals a challenge or pain point and ask this person to offer a piece of advice on how to combat this.
- Depending on your preference, you can either share all of your findings and ask the person to comment or share a few data points that you think are of particular interest to that person.
- You may want to be vague about how you’ll use an influencer’s quote(s). Sometimes, the quote may not fit into the format you were immediately planning to use, so this gives you flexibility to use the quote in a different way. Or, you may get multiple, great quotes from a person that you can use in multiple ways.
- If you make changes to the quote, always share it with the person prior to publication to get their permission.
- Tag your influencers on social media when sharing your quotes. Andy Crestodina does a great job with this! Here’s one example from his annual blogging study.
Want it to be even easier? Here is a template I have used to ask influencers for quotes. You’ll see it allows for me to use their quotes in multiple ways (or not at all). Make a copy and customize it for your next project.